Shirley Clamp | Favoriter På Svenska

The Clampinator's third album, Favoriter På Svenska, is a bit of a novelty. It's a covers album, but with a twist... Half of the songs on the album are 'straight' covers of Swedish pop classics. whereas the other half are old English-language hits, which have been translated into Swedish, such as The Wind Beneath My Wings, True Colours and lead single It Must Have Been Love by Roxette. The album reached #7 on the Swedish charts.

01 När Kärleken Föds
02 Öppna Din Dörr
03 I En Annan Del Av Världen
04 Jag Kan Nå Dig
05 Vindarna Som Bär
06 Regn Hos Mig
07 I Dina Ögon
08 Tro
09 Hur Sköra Vi Är
10 Om
11 Inget Kan Gå Fel

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